Industrial Swing Check models can be fitted with an optional counter balance device to further control closing speed. 工业旋启式止回阀系列可以配置反平衡装置来进一步控制关闭速度。
The fact that its commercial presence acts as a counter balance to American hegemony in this part of the world is good news in itself. 事实上,对拉美国家自身而言中国的商业活动与美国的霸权主义起到一种相互制衡的作用。
Make sure rollaway cabinet is weighted down enough to counter balance the weight you store in this side hang unit. 确保折叠内阁加权到制衡的重量你在这边商店挂起单位够了。
We need to counter these mechanisms and establish the right incentives for achieving a balance between short-term and long-term investors and intermediaries. 我们需要抵制这些机制,建立正确的激励机制,在短期与长期投资者和中介机构之间谋求平衡。
The crampon can also be used for counter balance or by hooking with the heel behind icicles or in holes in the ice. 冰爪有时用来做反平衡或用脚后跟钩在冰柱上,或者放进冰上的小孔内。
Should Santa sleep longer in the run up to the festive period to counter balance the lack of sleep he gets over the Christmas period? Would that work? 圣诞老人能不能在节日前夕多睡觉以弥补圣诞期间的少睡眠?有用吗?
Laughter is one of the body's safety valves, a counter balance to tension. 笑是人体的安全阀,反平衡紧张。
It adopts carriage counter weight to balance the constant of the hanging load, and crank counter weight to balance the variety, an ideal balanceable effect is obtained. 采用小车平衡重平衡悬点载荷的常量部分,采用曲柄平衡重平衡悬点载荷的变量部分,可获得理想的平衡效果;
A New Kind of Load-Sensing Counter-Balance Valve 一种新型负载敏感平衡阀
Then Gini coefficient is calculated on those methods which is direct calculation method, regression curve method, population equal partition method and the concise calculation method, and studying the degree of counter balance of all income of cities and towns residents. 运用山西省1992年至2003年的数据,使用直接计算法、人口等分法、拟合曲线法和简易计算等方法计算基尼系数并对城镇居民收入均衡度进行实证分析。
Testing Modality Analysis for Jib and Counter Balance Boom of Tower Crane 塔式起重机起重臂、平衡臂系统试验模态分析
She made her own marriage serve as the bargaining counter and the balance among European countries, especially between France and Spain to win the national interests to a great degree. 她以自己的婚姻为筹码,在欧洲大陆各国,特别是法国和西班牙这两大强国之间进行权力平衡,为英国最大限度地谋求国家利益。
Methods: Deviant puerperal 42 fetal hearts were fixed by formalin, and divided into 8 groups according to their fetal ages, weighed fetal hearts by counter balance, then measured the relevant parameters of superficial structure. 方法:取非正常分娩的、无心血管畸形的死亡胎儿心脏42例,甲醛固定后,按月龄分成8组,托盘天平称重后,测量表面各结构。
The Protruding Mould Design of Punching Pinholes Improvement on Die for Punched Counter Balance 冲小孔凸模设计冲制平衡块模具的改进
Therefore a measure to increase the height of the stator yoke is put forward to counter balance the power loss. 为此,提出增加原电机轭高以弥补功率损失。
Second, the parliament will have plenty of chance to counter balance their job slips so as to improve legislative quality. 其次,按照法国的违宪审查制度,议会有更多的机会来弥补自己工作的失误,以提高立法质量。